Thursday, October 11, 2007


as its been a few months since my last "Top 10 of the far" and some amazing albums have come out in the past two months...I felt an update was long overdue:

NEW TOP 10 of 2007
Here goes:

1. Radiohead - In Rainbows
2. M.I.A. - Kala
3. Peter Bjorn & John - Writer's Block
4. LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
5 Justice - Cross
6. Klaxons - Myths of The Near Future
7. Panda Bear - Person Pitch
8. The Shins - Wincing The Night Away
9. Caribou - Andorra
10. Arthur & Yu - In Camera

Sounds like I'm a sucker for either banging beats or psychedelic 60's-inspired pop...yeah, that's me allright.

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